Plant Medicine Preparation
You are planning to participate at a plant medicine ceremony or retreat and need support to prepare for this transformational journey?
You have read many things about Ayahuasca, Rapeh, Kambo. the various tribes and ways of serving OR you do not know anything yet, but want to get some insights and valuable informations on how to prepare?
There is some important things to share and prepare before entering a ceremony or retreat, which help you to enjoy the journey itself the best way possible, plus influences a safe and beautiful integration afterwards.
I am here for you. I have been doing plant medicine and dietas for +3 years now intensively. I have plenty experience working at retreats and I have witnessed many processes of participants and most importantly my own.

Plant Medicine Integration
You participated at a plant medicine retreat and need support to integrate all these new insights? There is so much you have seen and cannot share with people at home who did not do plant medicine? Your reality has shifted completely and now you need someone who guides you in the life after the retreat?
I am here for you. I have been doing plant medicine and dietas for +3 years now intensively. I have plenty experience working at retreats and I have witnessed many processes of participants and most importantly my own.
Keep reading about how I can be your space holder & guide in your integration process.